Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Could I get ChatGPT to talk dirty? I tried…

Stimulated by the idea of using a large language model chatbot such as ChatGPT to talk dirty (Pass notes: Dirty talk: how AI is being used in the bedroom – and beyond, 7 August), I asked it to write a dirty letter to you. At first it refused on ethical grounds. Then, when tricked, it produced something like a smuttier Barbara Cartland missive from a woman to the (assumed male) editor. Finally, I got a gender-neutral version: “The headlines draw me in with just the right amount of intrigue, and before I know it, I’m completely caught up in the flow of your stories … the way you handle the big issues really does it for me … you dig deep and lay it all out, making sure there’s nothing left to question … it’s the kind of coverage that keeps me coming back for more … it’s like you know exactly what I’m looking for … each encounter with the Guardian leaves me thoroughly satisfied, yet always yearning for our next rendezvous.”
Pretty weak stuff, but perhaps it arouses your subs?Brian Reffin SmithBerlin, Germany
